Deck Ends Now Available / Promo Video

Deck Ends now included with every PROTO Deck Set made in the the Deck Set Builder for free!

Made specifically for the PROTO Space Deck, deck ends are a natural extension of the decks back end that help reinforce and protect your deck’s drop-outs. As opposed to the regular wear and tear of drop outs on a regular deck and the cost of replacing an entire one-piece deck/neck assembly, deck ends allow for easy replacement at a minimal cost as well as maximize your decks lifespan.

Flush Mount Technology or FM Tech allows you to trash your old “cone” shaped pegs which are notorious for bending axles and being incompatible with wider decks and allows you to start using straight Cylindrical Pegs and Deck-Ends which provide superior impact support all the way to your drop-outs. With Flush Mount Technology, the Peg/Deck-End Diameter is now standardized so the dropouts of the deck can perfectly contoured to fit your Pegs and Deck-Ends which allows the full width of your deck extrusion to provide an additional level of support on Peg/Deck-End impact.

If you already purchased your PROTO Deck Set you can purchase Replacement Deck Ends separately in the PROTO Store

Video Featuring: Zack Martin & Parrish Isaacs
Song: Diiv – Yr Not Far

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