PROTO Intermission | Parrish Isaacs

Parrish Isaacs is a truly unique scooter rider paving the way for a completely new style of riding full of redirect grinds, sex-changes and body warping spins. He grew up on a mountainside in Vermont where riding a scooter doesn’t even cross people’s minds and the nearest skatepark is a 20 minute hitchhike away. He credits his style to the surrealism art movement and the poetry and literature of the Beat Generation. When it’s time to eat, Parrish will be on a mission to find the closest market so he can acquire fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts to maintain his vegan diet and holistic super powers.

We are thrilled to present The Parrish Isaacs Experience. Prepare yourself, even though nothing can.

Follow Parrish on his Instagram: @parrishfoundearth

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